
Showing posts from October, 2015

Parota Dine Table

An example of elegance, simplicity and breathtaking beauty. The Parota slab comes from Costa Rica in the Guanacaste province . We had it shipped to my shop in Portland Oregon where I milled, sanded, and finished the slab. I designed and built the base after getting the slab in my shop. I wanted to see and feel the visual weight of it and make sure the wood I used in the base was compatible in color and grain. The base is made from Shedua, the one and only wood in my entire selection that had the correct matching! The base and slab fit perfectly and are solid as a rock! Exactly what I wanted for a 220lb slab.  Here are a few detail shots of the wood. I am still waiting for photos of the table complete in L.A. The slab has outstanding ribboning and below is a detail shot of the sap wood: Above is a test fit of the base to the top. There are rails that set inside the top which register it on center, fasten it and create a very strong bond between the base and t