
Showing posts from August, 2013

Mondrian Inspiration!

Buy now  seats 8 comfortably, 41" wide, 85 3/4" long 29" high. Made from re-purposed fir floor beams, Jatoba, American Cherry, Walnut and Quarter-sawn fir. A good friend recently told me that when she worked in an Art Museum she met a collector who said that he really wanted to collect art so he created one by NEVER GOING OUT TO EAT. Never. All that money he saved and spent on ART. Well, this table is perfect for someone like him. And I would think he would be very happy to use a part of his collection! This is not just any dining room table! This is a piece of art waiting to inspire you each day. I'm not sure how the idea began but I was starting to mill some fir beams that I had removed from my house thinking I would make a workbench. I assumed they would be similar to the 4 x 4's that we buy today with wide grain. As I began milling and inspecting each one I soon realized that I had enough fine wood to make an interesting table. Then somehow, perhaps