
Showing posts from April, 2013

Documenting the Work

Documenting what we produce as Makers is as important as creating! Sometimes that is a great challenge. Equipment and space are crucial to getting the results we desire. I often am so exhausted after a job that I forget to take photos altogether. I have forgotten so many times that I now give myself a reward when I remember! Then there are those times when I take a thousand shots and not one of them are truly representing what I see before me. No matter what, taking the photos has it's own ups and downs. If you can afford to hire a photographer  then by all means do! Give them plenty of notice when you think you will be ready for them. Good communication goes a long way! If you find a good photographer you can afford, their work can give your work a power boost! Sending a project off into the world requires letting go. Taking the photos myself helps me golf this transition. I get to look over every aspect of the work and glorify the best view, that place where you h

Fully Loaded-Far Out-Furniture!

check out my post titled "Documenting Our Work" to read more about this furniture Made from American Cherry this is a Dresser which incorporates a headboard and more. The clients who commissioned me to build this have a bed in the middle of their room with a four sided vaulted ceiling reaching its peak in the center. As you can see this is much more than any old headboard. It is also a dresser, two bedside tables, reading lights, bed cubby holes (at the top of the pillow area), and it is a wire chase for any electronics you may want to store in the cubbies. I might as well add that the headboard on top is a sculpture.  Stay tuned! Today was photo day so I have many photos to filter through and work on. I will doctor up the background on the pic here and remove the wheels from the dollies! :-) This measures about 8' 4 1/2" in length, aprox 28" deep and under 5' in total height. Commission me to build your next furniture!