
Showing posts from February, 2014

The Swelling Sea of Information

Welcome to my blog about my life as a woodworker. I make gorgeous furniture and other useful things out of wood. Its not a lofty job, but I love merging creativity, skill and furniture. Please share this post in some way to help me spread the word about my work. I also provide many helpful links and ideas about marketing your own work. I have been in business most of my life. I began making cabinets, then building and renovating homes and now I am happily designing and crafting furniture.  Being a furniture maker is a perfect fit for me and business is starting to flow after a long grueling start up.  Businesses change all the time. We adapt to our current situation in order to grow or maintain or reduce, depending on what is needed for the best profit margin or other gain. In today's market I am constantly promoting my work in order to find clients rather than compromise the integrity of my work. Showing online is one way that woodworkers are trying to sell their work